A Changelog automatically generated from your posts

Create Rules & Filters to match only the posts you want

A Changelog that lives on Bluesky!

With every post, you could be crafting the changelog in your product, on your website, or anywhere else you like.
No special tool required!

See a demo for these example companies

You can have it all

It's everything you've come to expect from a Changelog, with none of the hassle.

Easy to set up, easy to customize, and easy to maintain.

Embeddable Widgets

Choose from a Popup or Status Indicator widget

Changelog Webpage

Customizable, on our domain, or your own

Analytics Included

See how many people visit your changelog page

Social Integration

Every changelog is a Post, so it's visible on Bluesky!

We automatically create a title, pull in images & videos, and tag every post

A Changelog you'll Actually Update

No need to log into an app and write a post every time you want to share product updates with your customers. Just post your product updates, set up your page on Changelog.blue, and we'll take care of the rest.

No one can see your updates if they're only inside your app!

Effortless Social Growth & SEO

Turn every product update into a marketing tool you can leverage to attract new customers.

Every Status Update

appears on Bluesky

Embed a Page

as part of your website

They're loving it ❤️

And we bet you will too!

Try it out, Now

You're seconds away from having a customizable changelog, at your own custom URL, embeded in your product, automatically generated from your posts. It's free.